Ancient Ziggurat [Conflux]
Artillerize [New Phyrexia]
Grisly Salvage [Friday Night Magic 2013]
Reach of Branches [Modern Masters]
Roaring Slagwurm [Darksteel]
Pangosaur [Mercadian Masques]
Berserkers of Blood Ridge [Magic 2011]
Ebon Dragon [From the Vault: Dragons]
Centaur Courser [Magic 2010]
Resilient Khenra [Hour of Devastation]
Esper Panorama [Shards of Alara]
Might Weaver [Invasion]
Teferi's Care [Invasion]
City of Brass [Eighth Edition]
Secretkeeper [Saviors of Kamigawa]
Momentary Blink [Time Spiral]
Godtoucher [Shards of Alara]
Serpentine Spike [Battle for Zendikar Promos]
Hulking Devil [Shadows over Innistrad]
Consecrated Sphinx [Iconic Masters]
Akoum Battlesinger [Worldwake]
Blaze [Ninth Edition]
Surrak Dragonclaw [Khans of Tarkir]
Kor Spiritdancer [Rise of the Eldrazi]