Skarrg Guildmage [Gatecrash]
Angel of Glory's Rise [Resale Promos]
Goblin Lore [Tenth Edition]
Drifting Shade [Magic 2012]
Gorger Wurm [Alara Reborn]
Cogworker's Puzzleknot [Kaladesh]
Stormscale Anarch [Dissension]
Tormented Angel [Urza's Destiny]
Fleshformer [Conflux]
Quest for the Holy Relic [Zendikar]
Tolarian Scholar [Dominaria]
Mindslaver [Scars of Mirrodin]
Gruul War Chant [Conspiracy: Take the Crown]
Lightning Elemental [Eighth Edition]
Liliana of the Dark Realms [Magic 2014]
Ur-Golem's Eye [Darksteel]
Call the Bloodline [Friday Night Magic 2016]
Mist Raven [Modern Masters 2017]
Ghor-Clan Bloodscale [Guildpact]
Orazca Frillback [Rivals of Ixalan]
Grim Lavamancer [Judge Gift Cards 2006]
Twinblade Slasher [Eventide]
Loxodon Convert [New Phyrexia]
Mirror Gallery [Betrayers of Kamigawa]