Cloudseeder [Future Sight]
Magus of the Future [Future Sight]
Soultether Golem [Future Sight]
Bound in Silence [Future Sight]
Blind Phantasm [Future Sight]
Cryptic Annelid [Future Sight]
Street Wraith [Future Sight]
Rift Elemental [Future Sight]
Virulent Sliver [Future Sight]
Witch's Mist [Future Sight]
Stronghold Rats [Future Sight]
Infiltrator il-Kor [Future Sight]
Ravaging Riftwurm [Future Sight]
Aven Mindcensor [Future Sight]
Centaur Omenreader [Future Sight]
Quiet Disrepair [Future Sight]
Bridge from Below [Future Sight]
Nacatl War-Pride [Future Sight]
Patrician's Scorn [Future Sight]
Logic Knot [Future Sight]
Skirk Ridge Exhumer [Future Sight]
Lost Hours [Future Sight]
Arc Blade [Future Sight]
Skizzik Surger [Future Sight]