Oakheart Dryads [Journey into Nyx]
Tethmos High Priest [Journey into Nyx]
Wildfire Cerberus [Journey into Nyx]
Silence the Believers [Journey into Nyx]
Master of the Feast [Journey into Nyx]
Dictate of Karametra [Journey into Nyx]
Thassa's Devourer [Journey into Nyx]
Font of Vigor [Journey into Nyx]
Satyr Grovedancer [Journey into Nyx]
Goldenhide Ox [Journey into Nyx]
Iroas, God of Victory [Journey into Nyx]
Daring Thief [Journey into Nyx]
Skyspear Cavalry [Journey into Nyx]
Strength from the Fallen [Journey into Nyx]
Colossal Heroics [Journey into Nyx]
Eidolon of Rhetoric [Journey into Nyx]
Market Festival [Journey into Nyx]
Rise of Eagles [Journey into Nyx]
Chariot of Victory [Journey into Nyx]
Font of Return [Journey into Nyx]
Pin to the Earth [Journey into Nyx]
Aspect of Gorgon [Journey into Nyx]
Launch the Fleet [Journey into Nyx]
Temple of Epiphany [Journey into Nyx]