Knight of the Reliquary [Modern Masters]
Crush Underfoot [Modern Masters]
Empty the Warrens [Modern Masters]
Elspeth, Knight-Errant [Modern Masters]
Raven's Crime [Modern Masters]
Cold-Eyed Selkie [Modern Masters]
Errant Ephemeron [Modern Masters]
Cloudgoat Ranger [Modern Masters]
Sandsower [Modern Masters]
Thallid [Modern Masters]
Test of Faith [Modern Masters]
Aether Vial [Modern Masters]
Saltfield Recluse [Modern Masters]
Jhoira of the Ghitu [Modern Masters]
Skyreach Manta [Modern Masters]
Frogmite [Modern Masters]
Pact of Negation [Modern Masters]
Tarmogoyf [Modern Masters]
Mind Funeral [Modern Masters]
Hana Kami [Modern Masters]
Glacial Ray [Modern Masters]
Lightning Helix [Modern Masters]
Masked Admirers [Modern Masters]
Maelstrom Pulse [Modern Masters]