Shatter [Scars of Mirrodin]
Mage il-Vec [Exodus]
Dragon Tyrant [Scourge]
Glacial Ray [Arena League 2004]
Akroan Hoplite [Conspiracy: Take the Crown]
Fire // Ice [Friday Night Magic 2006]
Ancient Amphitheater [Commander 2015]
Goblin King [Anthologies]
Mountain (294) [Shadowmoor]
Krosa (Planechase) [Planechase Planes]
Dwarven Ruins [Fifth Edition]
Tectonic Instability [Invasion]
Giant's Ire [Lorwyn]
Path of Anger's Flame [Saviors of Kamigawa]
Sulfuric Vortex [Eternal Masters]
Terror of the Fairgrounds [Kaladesh]
Havoc Festival [Return to Ravnica]
Lightning Surge [Judgment]
Shadowblood Egg [Odyssey]
Spellgorger Barbarian [Judgment]
Gang of Devils [Avacyn Restored]
Chaos Warp [Commander 2011]
Dragon Token [Modern Masters 2017 Tokens]
Warden of the Eye [Khans of Tarkir]