Negate [Conspiracy: Take the Crown]
Forest (305) [Commander 2018]
Pacifism [Magic 2010]
Volcanic Geyser [Magic 2014]
Mountain (245) [Magic 2013]
Forest (247a) [Zendikar]
Island (156) [Portal Second Age]
Mountain (269) - Full Art [Battle for Zendikar]
Swamp (240) [Magic 2014]
Mountain (380) [Coldsnap Theme Decks]
Mountain (343) [Odyssey]
Plains (Shrub) [Tempest]
Ripscale Predator [Gatecrash]
Gift of Strength [Hour of Devastation]
Evolving Wilds [Commander 2011]
Mountain (265) [Return to Ravnica]
Wind-Scarred Crag [Khans of Tarkir]
Island (342) [Commander 2016]
Forest (310) [Commander Anthology Volume II]
Silent Dart [Guilds of Ravnica]
Plains (134) [Planechase 2012]
Island (169) [New Phyrexia]
Forest (106) [Archenemy: Nicol Bolas]
Plains (334) [Mercadian Masques]